“The body, and only the body, is capable of making visible
what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine.” – Pope John Paul II, TOB 46:6
We used Up as an example in our talk because they are the cutest Disney couple ever! |
A few weeks back the wonderful couple that taught us NFP
asked us if we could step in to give the pre-cana talk on marriage and
sexuality. They are part of the Air Force and were moving to a base in
California. We of course jumped at the chance to help spread the word about
Pre-cana is the Catholic Church’s version of marriage prep.
The marriage at Cana was where Christ performed his first public miracle when
He turned water to wine at the urging of His mother. A fitting name for
marriage prep, don’t you think? Today I felt like I was turning skepticism into openness, or at least attempting to.
After we agreed to give the talk, we went and sat in on one.
It’s hard coming from an environment that is so pro-NFP to one that is
literally hostile to the idea. Our teaching couple got up there and shared
their hearts out, but mostly what they got in return were closed minds and
skeptic hearts. I was a little terrified at what we were going to face when it
came our turn.
I’m an editor by trade, but I don’t always take criticism
well. I can dish it out, but I can’t take it. I know, total hypocrisy, but
that’s the honest truth, and I’m working on it (just don’t go editing this
now). At the end of the pre-cana session the couples listening get to give us
feedback. I think some of the people need a new definition of feedback.
Feedback should be constructive, not destructive. But, there were a few shining, hopeful
statements in the bunch, which is ultimately what we are after. Maybe this is
God’s way of making me better at taking criticism?
Anyway today we gave our first pre-cana talk! I literally
worked on it every evening for the past week because I wanted to appeal to both those couples open to NFP and those using
contraceptives. To do that, we used the quote at the top as the basis for our
talk. We talked about how ultimately this talk wasn’t about sex; it was about
respect of your body, your spouse’s body, and the body of your marriage when
you become one flesh in the sacrament (Ephesians 5:28-31). I hope to have a
blog post about more on that later.
Anyway, there were only five couples this time. A really
small class, but we were thankful for that since this was our first go at it.
Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, our notes
weren’t visible on the screen that showed our PPT slides. So we had to wing it
a little bit. I think it helped, but it did run us over our time about 15
minutes. Oops. The couple that hosts the pre-cana came up to us afterward
though and said they would increase our time allotted in the future because
they loved the points we were making. Yeah!! Sorry future pre-cana people!
The highlight of all of this is that out of the five
couples, two couples said they were really interested in taking the class and
would be looking us or another local teacher up in the near future! Another
couple said they would be looking into adoption since we spoke about
infertility issues and the amazing options out there for couples that are
loving and morally sound. Not sure what the thoughts of the other two couples
were, but we should get our evaluations soon … finger-crossed!
This will probably be a never-ending process of modifying
our talk for pre-cana, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions for us about
what would appeal to you if you were in the seats, leave me a comment. Ben and
I would greatly appreciate it!