Monday, January 14, 2013

Life Teen: Addicted to Birth Control

Today marks a little bit of a dream come true for me. I've been published on!

I was shocked when I received an email from asking if they could reprint my blog page "My Story: A Recovering Birth Control Addict", and I of course immediately said yes. is an awesome online resource for teenagers (specifically Catholic) regarding all things "faith." It's a true honor to have my story posted to its pages.

I have an idea of how they ran across it since I'm friends with one of their authors who also recently wrote a great post about birth control for and is a frequent author for the site, Alison Griswold. Check out her work! It's informative, quirky, and right on target.

This month on they are focusing on birth control so check out some of the other posts and check back all month for more information about birth control in general, the church's stance on contraception, and more. And more importantly pass this information onto teenagers and the parents of teenagers because it is so important. If this was a topic that had come up more during my teenage years I might not have stayed on birth control for as long as I did (I'd like to think that anyway haha ;) ). Spread the word because there is a lot of bad information out there about what the church teaches and the moral, healthy alternatives to birth control! Let's spread the positive message that natural family planning, responsible parenthood, and chastity have to offer, which is one of hope, commitment, health, respect, and love.

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