Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pregnancy Journal

36 weeks

So this week has been more eventful than I wanted. Was hoping for our last ultrasound, but we're set for at least a few more now that we've discovered baby girl's head is in my ribs. Had hoped to do another drug-free natural birth, but if baby doesn't flip, looks like a c-section may be in the cards this time. The closest doctor who will deliver breech babies is 5.5 hours away. In the meantime we have a few tricks to try and encourage her to get into the correct position, including chiropractor, some unique yoga poses, and probably an ECV, where they try to turn baby from the outside. Fingers crossed and prayers said something works! Otherwise, she's doing well at 24% for size and growing hair just like her big sister. We are so excited to meet her sometime soon! 

32 weeks
Getting biggy and biggy as my daughter says. I would guess this little one is a bit bigger than her older sister. And lower, which I didn't think was possible, but my pelvic bone would disagree. Most women seem to talk about discomfort in their ribs, but I guess that's not a sensation I'll experience. She's nowhere near as active as my first either though the Braxton hicks contractions are MUCH more frequent. But we've been having lots of fun working on the nursery this month. Cordelia arrived in less than 6 weeks from this point so getting excited!

28 weeks

The last month went so fast that I'm actually almost 29 weeks. Had a doctor appointment today and we heard the heartbeat on the Doppler. I remember Cordie never let them rest the Doppler for long or she'd kick it, but this baby girl was perfectly fine with them taking a nice, long listen. Funny how you can see different personalities emerge so early.

24 Weeks

24 weeks. Viability! It's a big milestone and she's finally kicking pretty consistently so anxiety is finally going down a bit. 

20 Weeks

Halfway! Maybe even more if this one decides to show up early like her sister. She's gotten so much stronger over the last week. You can see her kicks from the outside, and both Ben and Cordie have felt her kick. Little nervous about the anatomy scan on Thursday, but excited to get another glimpse of my baby. Cordie is still excited. Ben said when they came to pick me up from the airport after my business trip, he asked if she was excited to see me. She said, "Get to see my baby sister!" I think she may have thought I was coming home with the real deal.

16 Weeks

16 weeks and feeling movement. This one likes to roll and flip, twist and turn. Makes me a bit nauseous. Other than that I'm feeling good though sleeping has been less comfortable this time around. And I NEVER have issues sleeping so that's new. Weird dreams all the time. Even Ben has been having them, but I guess that's a thing, for the dad to also have strong/strange dreams. Cordie talks about the baby almost everyday and constantly asks to go see the baby on the TV (i.e. ultrasound). She likes to say, "Little tiny baby growing."

It's a ... GIRL!

Totally shocked. Had completely convinced myself it was a boy. This pregnancy has been so different (hardly nauseous at all was the big one) so I just assumed. I even started using "he" when referring to the baby. We even picked out a boy name and not a full girl name! Cordie is thrilled. Once the tech said what the sex was, she yelled, "Baby sister!" We are thrilled as well, but I feel like I have to adjust all my thinking from the last few weeks. Praying things continue to go smoothly.

12 Weeks

 8 Weeks

I thought I would consolidate all my pregnancy stuff to one spot so as not to inundate social media. I'm so excited about this new baby I don't want to keep it to myself, but perhaps containing my enthusiasm is a good idea.

1 comment:

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