My husband and I have been best friends for more than six years, and during the fifth, we drove from Illinois to Florida with one vehicle, a drugged cat, the address of an apartment we'd never seen, and about enough money to last us until Ben's first paycheck at his new job. I didn't quite realize the adventure we were on until after the fact, but then again I'm not sure it's over yet. Luckily the apartment was nice, Ben loved his job, the money lasted, and our cat's eyes returned to their normal pre-drug green. God is Good (but then again, isn't He always)!
A year later we couldn't believe we were signing over our lives for a house! It was a dream come true, especially since it's a fixer-upper. It won't get done all at once, but we figure we've got a few years (30) until the mortgage is up. This blog is mostly just for us, a virtual memory book, but also for our family who can't see each renovation as we complete them. This blog was dubbed Pretty Bones because that's what the house has, pretty bones. The cosmetics ... not so pretty, but I'm sure sailboat wallpaper and wood spindles made someone happy at some point.
God had additional plans for this home of ours. He brought friends into our lives who ministered to us about the amazingness of Natural Family Planning (NFP). We fell in love and have decided to teach it to other couples from our home. We are so excited to get started (in August of 2012) teaching people about a method of NFP that's all about good health, great marital relationships, and stronger faith.
It might be an odd pairing, reno and NFP, but we're all about building up your structural dwelling and your soul's dwelling, the body.
Here's a few photos of the house as we purchased it.
Kitchen looking into both dining rooms. I don't know why they have two dining rooms right next to each other. |
Backyard. |
Second backyard porch. |
Florida room. |
Guest bath. |
Living room. |
Living room looking at front door. |
Master bath. Love that the ceiling is vaulted. |
Master Bath. |
Master Bath. Gotta love the wallpaper :) |
Master |
Both spare bedrooms look like this. |
Treacherous path. |
Lake in the neighborhood. |